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Guiding your company through its unique China journey

“If GE’s strategy of investment in China is wrong, it represents a loss of a billion dollars, perhaps a couple of billion dollars. If it is right, it is the future of this company for the next century.“


Jack Welsh, ex- President & CEO G.E.

Are our companies ready to challenge a post-covid china?

4 commitments within their reach - Extracts from my Article in l’Echo Belgium - March 02 2021

The figures are proof: the Covid crisis makes China more formidable and just as essential to our companies. The Middle Empire was more successful than anyone in imposing its global footprint throughout this pandemic year, continuing to do so in early 2021. Positive GDP growth of 2.3% in 2020 - unique among all major economies, record high foreign investments on its soil (more than 120 billion Euros with peaks reached by Great Britain and Holland), record of placing on the market of Chinese companies locally and on international markets, more than a trillion (thousand billions) of funds outside China invested in its stock market assets and indexes; Soon 30% of the luxury market will be concentrated on its soil, nothing seems to stop its domination of the world economy to the detriment of the United States and Europe.


At the dawn of an unprecedented decade for China and for ourselves, asking the question of the tangible and lasting commitment of western companies to it is fundamental. Should we take advantage of defensive and sometimes political opposition practices in the face of this systemic competitor, or be more proactive and pragmatic by allying or integrating with this strategic partner?

Four avenues deeply inscribed under the slogan of economic efficiency seem convincing to us.

  1. A positioning that further integrates Chinese characteristics…

  2. An ecosystem around innovation appropriating Chinese knowledge...

  3. A breakthrough in capturing China's institutional formidable power and uniqueness...

  4. Joint internationalization…

About Me
Alain Sepulchre_0008.jpg

Alain worked in Asia with a China focus for over 30 years in a large variety of roles, both operational and corporate and in very distinctive environments, from multinational like Total to private equity fund and top-notched consultancy houses - a.o. McKinsey and BCG.


Asia expert profile

Alain guides and advises western senior executives and board members in effectively defining and
positioning their Asian / Chinese footprint, namely helping them to strengthen their Asian presence on the long run: better strategy, better products / activities portfolio, better local set-ups. This includes:


  • Dealing successfully with partnerships / alliances with Chinese parties outside of China

  • Mixing in-house original methodologies and  concepts together with a granular sharing of down to earth practical tips

  • Going beyond the usual business and cultural approaches to encompass for instance the
    institutional mapping while excelling in solving highly challenging issues around acquisition and

  • Teaching (MBA and EMBA programs) and being coach & mentor (Solvay Brussels School, Paris
    Dauphines, HKUST)

  • Being the co-author of 2 books

Let's Talk
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