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Alain sepulchre

Alain worked in Asia with a China focus for over 30 years in a large variety of roles, both operational and
corporate, and in very distinctive environments: from multinational like Total to private equity funds and
top-notched consultancy houses – a.o. McKinsey and BCG.

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Work History

  • Partner and Senior Advisor - Advancy, Arthur D. Little, S&, BCG and McKinsey

  • Founding Member and Chief Operating Officer - Steel Capital Asia

  • Head of Petrochemicals Asia and Co-Head Asia M&A Chemicals - Total Refining & Chemicals



  • Board member & advisor to NGOs (NGO Management School / Handicap International)

  • Visiting Instructor MBAs (Solvay Brussels School, Dauphine, HKUST and HK University)

  • Co-author of L’offensive chinoise en Europe / China’s Offensive into Europe (Fayard – Brookings)


Fluent in French and English, conversational in Dutch and Mandarin

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